
外周血增殖的T细胞CD28分子表达和自身反应性 被引量:1

CD28 molecular expression and autoimmunity in human peripheral blood T cells activation by SEB
摘要 目的:SEB诱导增殖的外周血T细胞是否具有正常T细胞的功能。方法:用超抗原刺激淋巴细胞生长;用流式细胞测定技术检查细胞表面CD4,CD8,CD28,TCD16的抗原表达量;加入同源,异源抗原检查自身反应性。结果:SEB能诱导外周血CD4+T细胞的增殖。随CD4+T细胞的增加,CD28分子表达上升。外周增殖的CD4+T细胞与胸腺内分化的T细胞相同,97%以上的CD4+T细胞都表达CD28分子。但对CD16阳性的抗原提呈细胞的依赖性下降,并显示对自身抗原的识别能力增强。结论:外周活化的CD4+T细胞与胸腺内分化的CD4+T细胞功能不同。 Objective:We examined the characteristics of human peripheral blood T cells activation by superantigen B(SEB), and try to know if the proliferous T cells are as same as entrothymic T cells.Methods:We analyzed CD4, CD8, CD16 and CD28 molecular expression and autoimmunity of proliferous T cells by flow cytometry and cell culture. Results:Most of CD4 + T cells expressed CD28 molecular The CD4 +CD8 +T cells are different from extrothymic T cells. The dependence for T cells to APC exhibited decrease and showed autoimmunity against to isogenous antigen. Conclusion:The function of CD4 +T cells activation in peripheral blood are different from the function of extrothymic T cells.
出处 《军医进修学院学报》 CAS 1999年第1期9-11,共3页 Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School
基金 国家科学技术部基金
关键词 T淋巴细胞 CD28分子 自身免疫应答 Peripheral T cell CD28 autoimmunity
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