
试析国际争端解决之司法化倾向 被引量:8

The Judicial Tendency of International Dispute Settlement
摘要 现当代国际争端的解决机制方面呈现出较为明显的司法化倾向。越来越多的国际"法律共识"、法律全球化对国际司法的促进、基于经济的理性选择、权力向规则的演进是国际争端解决机制司法化的成因。司法化现象反映了国际社会对以司法方式解决争端的需求在不断增加,意味着国际行为体之间和平解决争端有了更多选择。 For a long time, international dispute settlement mainly depended on political measures. In the contemporary era, however, a conspicuous judicial tendency emerges in international dispute settlement. More and more international "leagal mutual understand- ings', rational choices based on economical issues and the evolution from power to rules lead to the judieialization of international dispute settlement. This tendency indicates an increasing need of the international community for judicial dispute settlement, which means that there will be more choices for international subjects.
作者 王林彬
机构地区 新疆大学法学院
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期34-37,共4页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 新疆大学博士科研启动项目"国际司法程序价值论"(BS080207)
关键词 国际争端解决 司法化 成因 争议 Lnternational Dispute Settlement, Judieialization, Causes, Disputes
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