
论美国联邦宪法对警察的规制 被引量:2

The Act of Police through out the Country Regulated by Federal Constitution in USA
摘要 美国联邦宪法的效力最高条款要求联邦、州和地方政府都必须遵守联邦宪法。按照联邦宪法制定的联邦和各州的刑事法律可以说是大同小异,也就是说,全国警察执法的法律依据具有同一性特征。而且,联邦宪法,尤其是联邦宪法修正案的规定都是程序性的,对警察执法具有直接的指导意义。在对全国警察进行程序性约束中,联邦最高法院发挥着极为重要的作用,联邦最高法院的判例成为全国警察执法的具体规范化要求,甚至全国的警察在执法特定阶段所用的语言、所做的动作都高度一致,这是联邦警察制度集中性的具体反映。 The Federal Constitution in USA has the highest authentic.States must act according to it.The criminal Statutes in States are generally very much the same.In other words,the criminal laws applied by the police through out the country have identity in common.The Federal Constitution in USA,especially the Amendments,can be said to be procedure act almost,have general guiding sense for application law by police.The Federal Supreme Court has an important function on regulating the action of police through out the country through Federal Statutes.The case-laws in the Federal Supreme Court require the standards of application law action of police through out the country.
作者 张小兵
机构地区 北京大学
出处 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期119-127,共9页 Journal of People’s Public Security University of China:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 联邦宪法 宪法修正案 联邦制 美国警察 The Federal Constitution in USA,the Amendments Federal system,police in USA
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