
Bioefficacy of indigenous plant products against pests and diseases of Indian forest trees:A review

摘要 This review discusses the bioefficacy of natural products(derived from neem and other tropical trees) which have been used against insect pests and diseases attacking forest trees in India.These products are effective,cheaper and eco-friendly and act as antifeedant,repellent,sterility inducing,toxic or regulate insect growth.Integration of these products in forest pest management strategies would enhance the sustainability of forests and prevent the deterioration of wood quality. 讨论了苦楝树和其他热带树种天然产品在印度森林病虫害防治中的生物功效。这些树木产品可起到拒食素、防护剂、不育诱导剂、毒素等作用,可以调控害虫生长,具有效力高、价格低廉和对环境无公害的特点。将这些树木产品整合到森林虫害管理策略中,会增强森林的可持续性,防止木材质量衰退。表3参61。
作者 R.T.Gahukar
出处 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期231-238,I0008,共9页 林业研究(英文版)
关键词 Indian forests Pests and diseases Plant products IPM PERSPECTIVE 印度森林 病虫害 植物产品 观点
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