
Gradient Estimates for the Heat Kernels in Higher Dimensional Heisenberg Groups 被引量:1

Gradient Estimates for the Heat Kernels in Higher Dimensional Heisenberg Groups
摘要 The author obtains sharp gradient estimates for the heat kernels in two kinds of higher dimensional Heisenberg groups—the non-isotropic Heisenberg group and the Heisenberg type group Hn,m. The method used here relies on the positive property of the Bakry-E′mery curvature Γ2 on the radial functions and some associated semigroup technics. The author obtains sharp gradient estimates for the heat kernels in two kinds of higher dimensional Heisenberg groups -- the non-isotropic Heisenberg group and the Heisenberg type group Hn,m. The method used here relies on the positive property of the Bakry-Emery curvature F2 on the radial functions and some associated semigroup technics.
出处 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期305-314,共10页 数学年刊(B辑英文版)
基金 Project supported by China Scholarship Council (No. 2007U13020)
关键词 海森堡群 梯度估计 高维 非各向同性 径向函数 F2代 半群 Gradient estimates, Г2 curvature, Heat kernels, Sublaplace,Heisenberg group
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