

The configuration mechanism of English and Chinese double-object construction for verbs of creation
摘要 在英汉两种语言中,致物动词投射双宾句式时具有非对称性,但其背后都受到同一运作机制的支配和制约,即致物动词的双宾组句受到句式赋义原则(MAP)、距离象似性原则(DPI)以及动词特徵限制条件(LFC)这三个因素的共同作用,其中MAP和DPI是普遍性原则,不可违背;而当LFC不能满足时,则必须得到DPI的有效补偿,否则该致物动词不能进入双宾句式。 Verbs of creation in English and Chinese demonstrate asymmetries in its projection to double-object construction. But underling the projection process there is a uniform operation mechanism, namely that the configuration is affected by the interaction between the Meaning Assignment Principle (MAP), the Distance Principle of Iconicity (DPI) and the Lexical Feature Constraints (LFC), among which MAP and DPI are inviolable due to its cross-linguistic universality. Once LFC is violated, there must be compensation on the part of DPI, otherwise, the verb of creation in question would be unacceptable to double-object construction.
作者 许宁云 韩丹
出处 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期39-46,共8页 中美英语教学(英文版)
基金 本文得到上海市教委支出预算项目(教预07-45)和上海市教委科研创新项目(项目编号:09YS264)的资助.
关键词 双宾结构 致物动词 双宾组句 运作机制 double-object construction verbs of creation DOC formation operation mechanism
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