目的研究2型糖尿病患者外周血CD62p水平的变化以及服用阿司匹林后对CD62p的影响。方法采用流式细胞仪分别检测32名健康人(NC组),33例2型糖尿病患者(T2DM组)及35例服用阿司匹林(100mg)2个月2型糖尿病患者(Asp组)的血浆血小板活化标志物(CD62p)水平。结果 (1)NC组与T2DM组的血浆血小板活化标志物CD62p水平相比有显著性差异(P<0.01);(2)Asp组与NC组相比血浆血小板活化标志物CD62p水平相比无显著性差异(P>0.05);(3)T2DM组Asp组相比血小板活化标志物CD62p水平相比有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 2型糖尿病患者血小板因子CD62p异常升高。而阿司匹林可以明显抑制2型糖尿病患者血小板活性。血小板因子CD62p的检测可以作为2型糖尿病患者使用阿司匹林治疗的一个临床指标。
Objective To study the level of CD62p in peripheral blood in patients with T2DM and its effects of aspirin therapy. Methods Level of CD62p in peripheral blood was detected by flowcytometer in 33 patients with T2DM without aspirin treatment (T2DM group), 35 patients with T2DM treated with aspirin(Asp group) and 32 healthy subjects(NC group). Results (1)Level of CD62p in peripheral blood in T2DM group(13.56±0.68) was significantly higher than in NC group(8.51 ±0. 28) (P 〈 0. 01 ). (2) Level of CD62p in peripheral blood in Asp group ( 8.79 ± 0.27) were not significantly different as compared with NC group(CD62p 8.51±0.28)(P〈 0. 05). (3)Level of CD62p in peripheral blood in T2DM group were singificantly higher than that in Asp group (P 〈0.01). Conclusions Level of CD62p in peripheral blood in patients with T2DM is significantly higher than in normal controls. Aspirin can suppress the CD62P activity. The level of CD62p in peripheral blood can be a clinical sign for T2DM patients to take aspirin.
Chinese Journal of Diabetes