
ICP-AES测定云南楚雄糖尿病患者发样微量元素的研究 被引量:7

Determination of Trace Elements in Hair of Diabetes Patients in Chuxiong by ICP-AES
摘要 探讨微量元素与糖尿病间的关联性及临床意义。采用ICP-AES等离子体发射光谱仪测定了楚雄地区糖尿病患者人发中11种元素,采用2,3-二氨基萘荧光法测定发样中的硒元素。选取糖尿病患者120例,对照组35例。糖尿病组发样中常量元素Ca、Mg低于对照组,P高于对照组;除Cd、Cr、Fe外,微量元素Zn、Se、Ni、Mn、Cu等5种元素低于对照组,并有显著差异(P<0.01)。糖尿病组间性别比较数据显示男性除发Ni、Mn、P外,其余元素含量均低于女性,其中发锌远低于女性。3个不同年龄段糖尿病人群的微量元素含量变化显示Fe、P2种元素随年龄增加含量增高;Mg、Cd2种元素随年龄增加含量减少;其余各元素变化情况为Fe、P元素在老年组中较高,Cu、Cd、Mg较低;Mn、Cr、Cu元素含量在中年组中较高,而Zn、Se略低;Zn、Se在青年组较高,而Mn、Cr低。城市人群发中Zn、Cd、Cu、Mg、Ca含量比农村人群高;Se元素含量二者间差别也不大,其余元素含量均低于农村人群。楚雄地区糖尿病患者发中Zn、Se、Mg、Mn4种元素水平低,楚雄地区糖尿病患者致病原因可能与地区属低Se水平和患者体内硒水平低有关。 The association and clinical significance between diabetes and the minor elements was studied.The hair samples of 120 diabetes patients were included in diabetes group and 35 healthy volunteers in control group.The contents of 11 elements in hair samples of both groups were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES),and selenium (Se) by spectrofluorimetry with 2,3-2 naphthylamine.The contents of major element Ca and Mg in diabetes group were lower than those in healthy people,and P was higher than that in control group.Except for element Cd,Cr,and Fe,the contents of Zn,Se,Ni,Mn and Cu in diabetic patients' hair were much lower than those in the control group,and there were significant differences (P0.01).Except for Ni,Mn and P,the contents of Cd,Cr and Fe in male patients' hair were lower than those in female,while Zn was lower than that in female.In 3 diabetic groups of different ages,the contents of Fe and P increased and Mg and Cd decreased with the increase of age.Meanwhile,the contents of Fe and P were higher,and Cu,Cd,Mg were lower in the old patients; the contents of Mn,Cr,Cu were higher,while Zn and Se were a little bit lower in the middle-aged group; the contents of Zn and Se were higher,while Mn and Cr were lower in the young patients.The contents of Zn,Cd,Cu,Ca and Mg in people's hair in urban area were higher than those in rural area with no difference in the contents of Se between the two areas,while other elements in people's hair in urban area were lower than that in rural area.Diabetic patients in Chuxiong area are deficient in Zn,Se,Mg and Mn.Selenium deficiency in Chuxiong and low Se level in diabetic patients may be associated with the pathogeny of diabetes in those areas.
出处 《光谱实验室》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期977-982,共6页 Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
基金 楚雄州科技局计划项目(05-ZKJJH06-2) 楚雄师院重点科研项目(04-YJZD03)
关键词 糖尿病 楚雄地区 人发 微量元素 电感耦合等离子体-原子发射光谱法 Diabetes Chuxiong Human Hair Trace Element ICP-AES
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