

Cloning and sequence analysis of 3'UTR of ERK6 gene in pig
摘要 为了给猪ERK6基因的功能研究提供信息资料,试验以已报道的猪ERK6基因CDS序列为模板设计引物,利用RACE技术扩增了猪ERK6基因3′UTR序列,并采用DNAMAN、DNASTAR及CLUSTALW2软件分析序列特征。结果表明:分离的产物共827bp,包含部分编码区281bp、3′UTR序列439bp、poly(A)60、接头引物47bp,将前三部分序列共780bp上传至GenBank,登录号为NM_001025224;此序列poly(A)60位点上游14个核苷酸处有CPSF结合位点,与人、鼠3′UTR序列的相似性为41%、48%。说明分离获得的片段为猪ERK6基因的3′UTR序列。 Based on ERK6 gene CDS sequence,primer was designed to amplify 3'UTR of ERK6 gene in pig.The sequence was analyzed by bioinformatic methods and software,such as DNAMAN,DNASTAR and CLUSTALW2.Results showed that the segment included 827 bp,281 bp of part CDS,439 bp of 3'UTR,poly(A)60 and 47 bp of terminal primer.When submitting the 780 bp sequence except 47 bp of terminal primer to GenBank(NM_001025224),there was a CPSF site at the upstream about 14 bp far from the poly A site.Sequence analysis indicated that the amplified 3'UTR shared 41% homology with that of human and 48% with mouse.Conclusion is that a complete 3'UTR of pig ERK6 gene is obtained.
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第5期9-11,共3页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 辽宁省科技厅博士启动基金项目(20021072) 辽宁省教育厅基金项目(2004F112)
关键词 ERK6基因 3′UTR Pig ERK6 gene 3'UTR
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