
企业规模对职工工资的影响:来自中国竞争性劳动力市场的证据 被引量:18

Firm-Size Effect on Wages:Evidence from Chinese Competitive Labor Market
摘要 本文使用在浙江省收集的企业一职工配对数据研究了国际学术界困惑已久的企业规模对工资的溢价谜题。我们发现,当控制了企业所处的地区、行业和职工的人力资本后,企业的技术效率可以完全解释企业规模对职工工资的正向作用。大企业提供高工资,主要是由于它们拥有高素质的职工和较高的技术效率。与国际上使用发达国家数据的同类文献相比,本文所使用数据的独特性在于两个方面:一是企业与职工的配对,便于控制个人和企业层面的特征;二是在制造业方面,中国的劳动力市场更接近于一个竞争性市场,因而更容易识别企业规模对工资的影响。 This paper uses employer-employee matched data collected from China to solve the puzzle of firm-size wage premium. We find that technical efficiency can completely explain the positive effect of firm size on wage rates, after controlling for human capitals of workers, regions and industries. Large firms provide high wages mainly because they have high-abillty workers and high technical efficiency. Our data have two distinct fea- tures, compared with previous studies using data collected from developed countries. One is that workers and managers match with their firms, which help us to control for both individual and finn characteristics in estimations. The other is that in the manufactural industry, Chinese labor market is much more competitive, which facilitate us to identify the effect of firm size on wages.
出处 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期18-30,共13页 Journal of Financial Research
关键词 企业规模 职工工资 技术效率 firm size, wage rates, technical efficiency
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