目的探讨心理干预对产后抑郁症疗效的影响。方法将产后抑郁症患者随机分为心理干预组和对照组,治疗6周,分别给予心理干预配合药物治疗和单独使用药物治疗,采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)和临床疗效总评量表对病情严重程度(CGI-SI)评定疗效。结果 1治疗第6周末心理干预组有效率优于对照组,差异有显著性(χ2=5.455,P=0.020);2两组治疗后各周末HAMD评分较治疗前均极显著降低(P<0.01);两组间比较,治疗后2周开始心理干预组HAMD评分明显低于对照组,差异有显著性(P<0.05);3治疗第6周末两组病情严重程度(CGI-SI)均较治疗前有极显著改善(t=14.46及14.42,均为P<0.01);治疗后心理干预组CGI-SI评分低于对照组,差异有显著性(t=2.50,P=0.015)。结论心理干预可显著改善产后抑郁症患者的抑郁症状,提高其生活质量。
Objective To explore the Effect of psychological intervention on the efficacy of postpartum depression. Methods A total of 60 patients with postpartum depression were divided into psychological intervention group and control group for 6 weeks. HAMD,CGI--SI were used to evaluate the efficacy before and after the treatment. Results ①At the end of 6 weeks,the effective rate of the psychological intervention group was significantly higher than that of in control group with statistical significance (X^2= 5. 455,P= 0. 020). ②The HAMD scores in two groups decreased significantly after treatment in every week (P〈0. 01) The HAMD scores of the psychological intervention group was significantly lower than that of control group with statistical significance (P〈0. 05). ③The CGI-SI scores in two groups decreased significantly in 6 week after treatment (t= 14.46 or 14.42,P〈0.01 ). The CGI-SI scores of the psychological intervention group was significantly lower than that of control group with statistical significance (t= 2.50,P = 0. 015). Coati usion Treatment with psychological intervention can obviously relieve depressive symptoms of postpartum depression and improve their life quality.
China Journal of Health Psychology