

Investigation on the Psychosomatic Health State of the Injured Coal Miners
摘要 目的调查煤矿伤工的心身健康状况。方法使用煤矿伤工一般情况调查表和康奈尔健康指数(CMI)调查了重庆天府矿务局职工总医院和兖州矿业集团公司医院的煤矿工伤病人的心身健康状况。结果 1疲劳感(第1位)和习惯(第2位)在煤矿伤工的心身健康问题中所占比重较大;2煤矿伤工的心身健康状况好于大学生(t=-5.24,P<0.001;t=-15.18,P<0.001),精神障碍筛查率低于全国常模(χ2=13.031,P<0.001);3煤矿伤工的心身健康状况在工种(t=-2.681,P<0.01;t=-1.811,P>0.05)、受伤种类(t=-3.586,P<0.001;t=-3.776,P<0.001)、年龄(t=0.940,P>0.05;t=2.843,P<0.01)、文化程度(t=2.329,P<0.05;t=2.832,P<0.01)存在差异。结论煤矿伤工心身健康状况良好,工种、受伤类型、年龄和文化程度都是影响心身健康状况的因素。 Objective To investigate the psychosomatic health state of the injured coal miners. Methods A total of 170 coal miners injured at their work were investigated by the CMI and the General Inventary of Injured Workers in mine. Results ①Feeling of fatigue and habit were the prominent factors in the problems of psychosomatic health of injured coal miners. ②The psychoso- matic health state of injured coal miners in mine was much better than that of the college students(t =-5.24,P〈0. 001 ;t=-15.18, P〈 0. 001) and had lower screen ratio than that of norm (X2 =13. 031, P〈0. 001 ). ③ The psychosomatic health state of injured coal miners had significant differences on work type (t=-2. 681 ,P〈0.01 ;t =-1. 811, P〉0. 05), injure type (t =-3. 586, P〈0. 001;t=-3. 776,P〈0. 001), age group(t=0. 940,P〉0.05;t=2. 843,P〈0.01) and educated levels(t= 2. 329,P〈0.05;t=2. 832,P〈0.01). Conclusion The psychosomatic health state of injured coal miners are much well; and it can be affected by work type, injure type, age group and educated levels.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2010年第5期575-577,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 华北煤炭医学院"煤矿伤工心理学研究及心理干预"科研团队研究项目(项目号:QK08025)
关键词 心身健康状况 康奈尔健康指数 矿工 煤矿伤工 Psychosomatic health state Cornell medical index Miner Injured coal miners
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