
射击射箭运动员的人格特征分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Personality Characteristics of Shooters and Archers
摘要 目的探讨射击射箭运动员的人格特征,为运动员的选材、育才提供心理学依据。方法从上海市射击射箭中心随机选取55名专业运动员,并对他们进行艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)调查。结果男、女射击射箭运动员与常模分别在P(t=-6.67,P<0.01;t=-3.86,P<0.01)、E(t=4.77,P<0.05;t=-7.41,P<0.001)、L(t=-2.26,P<0.05;t=-7.86,P<0.001)维度上的差异具有统计学意义;飞碟、射箭室外项目运动员与手枪、步枪、移动靶室内项目运动员在P维度(t=2.19,P<0.05)上的差异具有统计学意义;室外项目高、低水平运动员在N维度上(t=-2.070,P<0.05)具有显著差异;但室内项目高、低水平运动员在P(t=0.10,P>0.05)、E(t=1.50,P>0.05)、N(t=-1.364,P>0.05)、L维度(t=-1.990,P>0.05)上均无显著性差异。结论射击射箭运动员有独特的人格特征,而这种差异性随运动项目和运动水平的不同而不同。 Objective To investigate personality characteristics of archers and shooters. Methods A total of 55 archers and shooters were randomly selected from sports centre of shooting and archery in Shanghai, and then they were asked to complete Eysenck Personality Questionnaire in group test. Results Archers and shooters Were characterized by lower scores on Psychoticism (t=-6.67,P〈0.01;t=-3.86,P〈0. 01) and Lie scales(t=-2.26,P〈0.05;t=-7.86,P〈0. 001 ) and higher score on Extraversion scale(t=4.77,P〈0. 05,t=-7.41 ,P〈0. 001)than that of norms. Scores of athletes in outdoor sports events was signilicantly higher in P scales(t= 2.19 ,P〈0. 05)than that of athletes in indoor sports events. In outdoor sports event, there was a significant difference in scores on Neuroticism scale (t =-2. 070,P〈0. 05)between elite athletes and sub-elite athletes, while such differences did not lie in indoor sports events in P(t=0. 10,P〉0.05),E(t=1. 50,P〉0.05),N(t=-1. 364,P〉0.05),L scales(t=-1. 990,P 〉0.05). Conclusion Archers and shooters own a unique personality, and the speciality is different between elite athlete and subelite athlete in different sports events.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2010年第5期579-581,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 上海市体育局科研攻关与科技服务课题(07JT017) 国家科技支撑计划(2009BAI77B04)
关键词 人格特征 艾森克人格问卷 射击射箭运动员 运动水平 Personality eharacterisies Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Archers and shooters Performance level
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