Abstract The clinical
results of voice reconstruction by mucosal flap for tracheal esophagus shunt in 48 patients
with total laryngectomy were reported.There were 46 males and 2 females.The mean age was
59.The clinical stages of these 48 patients with laryngeal carcinoma were as follows:T 3N 0M
0 for 16 cases,T 3N 1M 0 for 12 cases,T 3N 2M 0 for 2 cases,T 4N 0M 0 in 10 cases,T 4N
1M 0 in 7 cases and T 4N 3M 0 in 1 case.All patients were followed up from 6 months to 6
years after surgery.Results showed that voice reconstruction in 44 cases (91 3%) was
successful and failed in 4 cases.The technique of tracheal esophagus shunt and its indications
were discussed.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg