
基于空间信息的烤烟种植适宜性评价与轮作规划 被引量:8

Evaluation of flue-cured tobacco planting suitability and crop rotation planning based on spatial information
摘要 基于遥感计算的气温和土壤水分及DEM计算的太阳辐射等地表参数代替站点观测数据,采用100m×100m栅格和适宜性评价指数对泸西县的烤烟种植适宜性进行评价,分析其空间分布规律。在此基础上,进行了烤烟的烟田轮作规划与核查监督。研究表明,泸西县的烤烟种植最适宜区的耕地利用率偏低,仅为28.1%,尚有2165ha的最适宜耕地有待开发利用。烤烟轮作率虽然逐年增长,最高也仅为63.7%,离95%的目标轮作率仍存在较大差距。适宜性评价时,利用遥感和DEM计算的地表参数代替观测站点的插值数据,能获得可靠的数据支持,弥补因观测站点缺失而导致的数据失真。基于空间信息的轮作规划与核查监督,可有效改善烤烟轮作率,提高烤烟的质量和产量。 Digital precision agriculture has become a new trend for agricultural development in the world. The kernel technology of digital precision agriculture is spatial information technology. It is an important way to improve the capacity of sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco,using planting suitability evaluation and crop rotation planning based on spatial information technology. The land surface parameters used for conventional agricultural zoning and suitability evaluation are all based on the observation sites. Since the density of observation sites is very limited,it is difficult to obtain high-precision data in a large area. Therefore land surface parameters retrieved from remote sensing can be used to replace the parameters based on the observation sites. It can make the planting suitability evaluation and crop rotation planning more scientific and reasonable. Based on temperature,solar radiation and soil moisture obtained from remote sensing and DEM,with the support of topography,soil and land use factors derived from database,Suitability Evaluation Index (SEI) of flue-cured tobacco planting suitability in Luxi County is calculated at a 100 m×100 m grid size. The classification and spatial distribution of suitability evaluation results are then used to plan the crop rotation of flue-cured tobacco. Results show that the rate of crop rotation in Luxi County increased from 37.8% in 2002 to 63.7% in 2008,and there is still a wide gap to the goal rate of 95%. The planting utilization rate of most appropriate area is only about 28.1%,and there are about 2165 ha of most appropriate area for potential development. Therefore,in order to optimize the allocation of land resources,the planning of crop rotation should give first priority to flue-cured tobacco planting in most appropriate area. As remote sensing has reliable data support and has good ability to make up for the distortion of data caused by observation site loss,for planting suitability evaluation,remote sensing has more superiority than observation sites. Spatial information based crop rotation planning,verifying and supervising have good ability to improve the crop rotation rate of flue-cured tobacco and lay a foundation for sustainable development.
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期873-882,共10页 Geographical Research
基金 中国博士后科学基金(20080430586) 中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金 国际科技合作计划项目(2007DFA20640)
关键词 烤烟 种植适宜性 轮作 规划 flue-cured tobacco planting suitability crop rotation planning
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