According to river regimes, the Yellow River in Shandong Province can be divided into five reaches; Dongbatou-Gaocun, Gaocun-Taochengpu, Taochengpu-Beidia nzi, Beidjanzi-Yihezhuang and Yihezhu angHekou (the estuary of the River). The characteristics of the river, evolution of the river regimes, regulation principles and existing training works of the reaches are described in the paper. As the results of regulation, the wandering range within the dykes is narrowed in Dong batou-Gaocun reach and river regimes of other reaches basically become steady, besides, a single route flowing to the sea in the reach of Yihezhuang-Shibagongli has been kept. The passive position in the past called 'To follow the river carrying with stones for controlling flood''has been changed, guarranteing the normal opera tion of culvers and sluices along the river, protecting the farmland on floodplain area and improving the condition of navigation.
Yellow River