

A Study on International large-scale Performance Tests Organization (Program)
摘要 衡量教育发展水平有两个重要维度,一个是受教育年限,另一个是教育质量。在不同国家和地区的教育发展水平比较中,教育年限受到较多关注,而教育质量由于难以通过相同评价标准获得而很难广泛使用。随着义务教育普及之后提高教育质量任务的凸显,加之学生成绩与经济发展关系研究的推动,学生成绩作为教育质量的关键性指标受到普遍关注。国际大型成绩测验组织(项目)在学生成绩测量与研究方面积累了丰富资料和研究经验,系统梳理这些组织(项目)的基本状况、目标和已有研究成果,可以为深入了解国际大型成绩测验组织(项目),以及正确运用他们的数据、系统分析他们的研究方法和研究工具提供一定的背景知识。 Two important dimensions can be used to measure the development level of education,one is the number of years of education,the other is the quality of education. In the comparative study of the development level of education of different countries and regions, the number of years of education has been paid more attention because of its easy access, and the quality of education has not extensively used for being difficult to access. The emerging task of improving the quality of education after popularization of compulsory education and the promotion of research on the relationship between student performance and the economic development,student achievement has been valued widely as a key indicator of the quality of education. International Large-scale Performance Tests Organization (Program) has systematic data and researching experience on student achievement measurement and study. To comb the basic situation,objectives and research of the organizations (Program) can provide knowledge background for deeply understanding the international large-scale performance tests, correct use of the data, systematic analysis of their research methods and research tools.
作者 秦玉友
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期41-47,共7页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划教育学2007年度国家青年基金课题"我国农村义务教育质量指标与底线标准研究"(课题批准号:CHA070209) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大研究项目"农村义务教育教师政策研究"(项目批准号:08JJD880236)
关键词 国际测验组织(项目) 质量 评析 International Large-scale Performance Tests Organization (Program) quality commentary
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