3Federal Trade Commission v. Ruberoid Co., 343 U. S. 470,487 (1952)(Jackson, J., dissenting).
4Newton Minow, Letter to President Kennedy, 15 Admin. L. Rev. 146 (1963).
5Michael Asimow, Arthur Earl Bonfield, Ronald M. Levin, State and Federal Administrative Law, WestGroup( 1998), pp. 160 -161.
6Joseph J. Simeone, The Function, Flexibility, and Future of United States Judges of the Executive Department, 44 Admin. L. Rev. 159(1992).
7Michael Asimow, Arthur Earl Bonfield, Ronald M. Levin, State and Federal Administrative Law, WestGroup( 1998), pp. 158 - 159.
8Administrative Conference of the United States 169 - 72 (1992) Paul Verkuil, ET. AL. See Michael Asimow, Arthur Earl Bonfield, Ronald M. Levin, State and Federal Administrative Law, West Group(1998) ,pp. 159 -160.
9Paul Verkuil; er. AL. The Federal Administrative Judiciary, Administrative Conference of the United States (1992). pp. 168 -169.
10Michael Asimow, Arthur Earl Bonfield, Ronald M. Levin, State and Federal Administrative Law, West Group (1998), p. 161.