
以内容为中心的新一代互联网体系架构研究 被引量:10

Future Internet Architecture——Content-Centric Networks
摘要 本文介绍了目前国际上关于下一代互联网的最新研究方向和热点——以内容为中心,并以其中的代表"内容中心网络(CCN)"为例,阐述了新一代互联网体系的基本架构和框架模型,同时对其他类似架构方案做了简单的介绍,希望能够引起国内相关主管部门和研究机构的重视,开展我国在相关领域的自主研究,尽快参与国际合作和竞争。 This paper introduces the networking named content (NNC) which is hot topic in the field of the next generation Internet research all over the world. It illustrates one typical NNC scheme named CCN(content-centric networking), including the model architecture, main protocols, routing, security, as well as some evaluation results. Besides, it also introduces some other NNC schemes. In the end of this paper, we highly recommend China government should promote the similar research in China as soon as possible.
作者 林啸
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2010年第5期1-7,共7页 Telecommunications Science
关键词 网络命名内容 内容中心网络 互联网架构 networking named content content-centric networking Internet architecture
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