采用火焰原子吸收法测定玫瑰花茶中K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Zn和Mn 7种微量元素的含量,对玫瑰花茶进行不同浸泡时间和不同冲泡次数微量元素溶出研究。结果表明,不同浸泡时间微量元素的溶出规律可较好地用对数关系描述,不同浸泡次数时微量元素的溶出规律可用负指数关系描述;玫瑰花茶浸出液中各元素浸出含量顺序为K>Mg>Ca>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn,K最易溶出,Fe、Mn和Cu溶出率较低。玫瑰花茶的适宜饮用条件为浸泡时间10 min^20 min,浸泡次数为1次~2次。
The contents of K,Ca,Mg,Cu,Fe,Zn and Mn in rose flower tea were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS)in this study.And the extracting characteristics of these trace elements in different soaking time and times were analyzed.A logarithmic relation between infusing amount of trace elements and soaking time was observed while a negative exponential relation between infusing amount and soaking times was found.And the infusing amount of the trace elements in rose flower tea followed the following order: KMgCaFeZnCuMn.It was easy for K but difficult for Fe,Mn and Cu to infuse.The optimum conditions for soaking were obtained with soaking time 10 min-20 min and soaking for 1-2 times.
Food Research and Development