
一种应用约束优化理论的TOA定位算法 被引量:1

Localization algorithm based on TOA applying constrained optimization theory
摘要 移动通信、声源探测等领域的应用要求通过分布在不同位置的信号接收站得到的TOA测量值实现对辐射信号源进行定位。针对这个问题,提出了一种应用约束优化理论的基于TOA的定位算法,将由定位方程得到的加权线性最小二乘函数作为目标函数,并选择未知矢量元素之间的关系作为约束条件。仿真实验中将该方法与两步加权最小二乘等方法和CRLB进行比较的结果表明,约束优化理论的应用有效提高了定位精度。 Applications in areas like telecommunication and acoustic source detection require the determination of the localization of a transmitter by using the TOA values measured by signal receivers at different positions.To address this problem,an algorithm based on TOA applying constrained optimization theory is proposed.The algorithm chooses the weighted least square functions determined by location equations as the target function and uses the relation between elements of unknown variables as restriction condition.Numerical simulation compares the performance between this algorithm and other algorithms such as two-step weighted least square algorithm and CRLB,and the results suggest that the localization accuracy is effectively improved.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第15期90-92,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 定位 TOA 加权最小二乘 约束优化 locate TOA weighted least square constrained optimization
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