
一种综合的P2P网络信任模型 被引量:4

Integrated trust model for peer-to-peer network
摘要 安全有效的信任模型是保证P2P系统高效、稳定的关键技术之一。介绍一种适用于P2P网络的综合信任模型,它参考了社会网络中信任关系的建立方法,从两个角度来计算节点的综合可信度。该模型中引入了非对称加密等安全机制,通过分析与仿真证明该模型能有效地抑制冒名和诋毁等非法行为,具有较强的安全性。 A secure and effective trust model is a key technology of the P2P system’s great efficiency and stabilization.An integrated peer-to-peer trust model is proposed in this paper,which comes from construction approach of trust relations in the social network,in which,a peer’s trust value is calculated according to two aspects.Some security mechanisms,such as unsymmetrical encryption,are introduced into this model.Analysis and simulation results testify that this model can deal with some security problems,such as impostor attack and slander,is provided with rather security.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第15期93-95,98,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(No.20070420782)
关键词 P2P网络 信任模型 可信代理 P2P network trust model trusted Agent
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