In a paper published years ago by me and my collaborators, the properties of heavy quarkonium systems were studied based on the Dick potential, which explicitly included the color factor in the potential and the non-relativistic SchrSedinger equation was numerically solved. However, another paper by Barakat and Chaba appeared online a few months earlier, which dealt with a similar problem, but used the shifted-expansion technique (SLET) to solve the semi-relativistic wave equation for the Dick potential up to a QCD color factor. Since both the papers solved the same Dick potential model, similar energy spectra due to the small relativistic effect were obtained for this heavy quark system. I and my collaborators did not point out this similarity in Ref. This should be added to give credit to Ref.
In a paper published years ago by me and my collaborators, the properties of heavy quarkonium systems were studied based on the Dick potential, which explicitly included the color factor in the potential and the non-relativistic SchrSedinger equation was numerically solved. However, another paper by Barakat and Chaba appeared online a few months earlier, which dealt with a similar problem, but used the shifted-expansion technique (SLET) to solve the semi-relativistic wave equation for the Dick potential up to a QCD color factor. Since both the papers solved the same Dick potential model, similar energy spectra due to the small relativistic effect were obtained for this heavy quark system. I and my collaborators did not point out this similarity in Ref. This should be added to give credit to Ref.