
基于倒立摆系统的实验设计 被引量:1

Experiment Design on Inverted Pendulum System
摘要 倒立摆系统作为一个经典的控制理论研究平台,是将理论应用于实际的理想实验平台.以固高公司的一级直线倒立摆为平台,搭建了实验教学系统,建立了系统数学模型,给出了PID控制实验和模糊控制实验的设计过程和仿真结果.结果表明:所设计的实验系统是可行、有效和可拓展的,丰富了实验教学内容,为设计性实验教学改革提供了支撑. As a typical controlled system,the inverted pendulum is al ways the ideal research platform from theory to practice.In this paper,the googol high-order linear inverted pendulum is used as teaching platform,the teaching experimental system and dynamic mathematical models are built,the several typical control experiment design process and simulation results are given.The results show that the designed experimental system is feasible,effective and scalable,enriching the content of the experimental teaching,and supporting the reform of the designing experiment teaching.
出处 《合肥学院学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第2期85-89,共5页 Journal of Hefei University :Natural Sciences
基金 安徽高校省级教学研究项目(2008jyxm474) 合肥学院电气信息类实践实训教学创新团队基金资助
关键词 实验教学 倒立摆 PID控制 模糊控制 experiment teaching inverted pendulum PID control fuzzy control
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