
Atmospheric Excitation of Polar Motion 被引量:2

Atmospheric Excitation of Polar Motion
摘要 The polar motion excited by the fluctuation of global atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is investigated. Based on the global AAM data, numerical results demonstrate that the fluctuation of AAM can excite the seasonal wobbles (e.g., the 18-month wobble) and the Chandler wobble, which agree well with previous studies. In addition, by filtering the dominant low frequency components, some distinct polar wobbles corresponding to some great diurnal and semi-diurnal atmospheric tides are found. The polar motion excited by the fluctuation of global atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is investigated. Based on the global AAM data, numerical results demonstrate that the fluctuation of AAM can excite the seasonal wobbles (e.g., the 18-month wobble) and the Chandler wobble, which agree well with previous studies. In addition, by filtering the dominant low frequency components, some distinct polar wobbles corresponding to some great diurnal and semi-diurnal atmospheric tides are found.
出处 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2010年第2期130-136,共7页 地球空间信息科学学报(英文)
基金 Supported by the Special Project Fund of State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying,Mapping and Remote Sensing(China) the Ph.D.Candidates Self-research(including1+4)Program of Wuhan Unversity in2008(No.49) the Engagement Fund of Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Wuhan University(No.22) the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy,Ministry of Education,China(No.08-02-02)
关键词 极的运动 大气的刺激 18 月摇摆 蜡烛制造者摇摆 大气的潮 polar motion atmospheric excitation 18-month wobble Chandler wobble atmospheric tides
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