
关于俄藏“揖王入高昌文书的几个问题城事” 被引量:1

IssUes about the Text of "Yi Wang into Gaochang City " Preserved in Russia
摘要 俄罗斯科学院东方研究所圣彼得堡分所所藏敦煌吐鲁番文献中,有一件整理号为2842、收藏号为Дx.2670v的《揖王入高昌城事》,是一件关于高昌历史的非常重要的文书。但由于书写在《史记·李斯列传》(整理号为2840、收藏号为Дx.2670)书写的背面,又残缺不全,自俄罗斯孟列夫(Д.H.MeH%mHKOB)先生编目首次披露,经姜伯勤先生、陈国灿先生、笔者、施萍婷先生和日本关尾史郎先生等先后介绍,直到已故吴震先生最终解读,经过了三十多年,可谓非常不易。当然,这里说的最终解读,也仅限于大部分文本,文本内外遗留的问题还不少,值得我们进一步探讨。本文经过研究,认为:(一)关于文书的内容与解读:第1行“姚法威”应是沮渠蒙逊派出的使者,第6行“司马”前残不可能是“大”字,第7行“摄正”应指沮渠安周由辅佐无讳到正式继承王位,“从四月到七月”云云应指安周继承王位之后发生的变故。(二)关于文书的性质与时代:本文书既不可暂名为《北凉(沮渠氏)大事记》,也不可能是无讳或安周授命撰写的昭示高昌臣民的公告,而应定名为“沮渠氏北凉史事摘抄”,时代应属麴氏王国中前期。 Of the Dunhuang - Turfan texts preserved by the Institute of Oriental studies in St. Petersburg of Russian Academy of Sciences, there is a text named Yi Wang into Gaochang Cheng, numbered in 2842 and the collection number as fix. 2670v. It is a very important text about the history of ancient Gaochang. However, because it was written at the back page of Shift -Biography of Li Si (arranged No. 2840, reserved No. Дx. 2670 ), and the version is broken in form, after Mr. Д. H. Meaa, mHxoB of Russia first published the list , and even if Mr. Jiang Boqin, Mr. Chen Guocan, Mr. Shi Pinting, Mr. Sekio Shiro of Japan and the author studied it, until Mr. Wu Zhen' s final explanations, it is really significant to see today' s achievement in the past 30 years. Of course, what I mean here about the final explanations concerns about only most parts of the text. And, it is believed that there are still many questions left and they are worth of our further investigations. In this paper, the author presents what she has discovered in her studies of the text.
作者 王素
机构地区 故宫博物院
出处 《吐鲁番学研究》 2009年第2期19-27,共9页 TURFANOLOGICAL RESEARCH
关键词 俄藏文书 揖王 麴氏高昌 Reserved Document in Russia Yi Wang Qu Dynasty of Gaochang
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