

Mechanism of seepage quantity anomaly in the initial stage of a reservoir operation
摘要 目前为止,我国修建了许多水库,或以防洪、防凌、减淤为目的,或以供水、灌溉、发电为目的,又或多种用途兼而有之,除害兴利,对我国现代化建设有着举足轻重的意义。文中利用某水库水位与渗流量的数据,结合研究区的水文地质条件,定性分析该水库运行初期渗流量出现"异常"的可能原因。然后,运用脉冲响应函数(IRFA)分析方法,定量分析该水库水位和渗流量的关系。最终,确定该水库运行初期渗流量的"异常"其实质是一种渗流量变化滞后于库水位变化的现象。合理解释了该水库运行初期渗流量出现"异常"的原因,为进一步做好水库防渗工作提供了科学依据。 So far,China has built a large number of reservoirs for the purpose of flood control,ice prevention,and sedimentation reduction,or for the purpose of water supply,irrigation,and power generation,or a combination of multiple uses.These reservoirs play an important role on China's modernization drive.The main objective of this paper is to identify the causes of seepage quantity anomaly in the initial stage of a reservoir operation,and to provide scientific basis to further improve the reservoir seepage control work.Based on the reservoir water level and seepage data,combined with hydro-geological conditions of the study area,the paper qualitatively analyzed possible causes of seepage quantity anomaly in the initial stage of the reservoir operation.Impulse response function analysis(IRFA) is used for quantitative analysis of the relationship between reservoir water level and seepage quantity.It is ultimately concluded that the essence of seepage quantity anomaly is the changes in seepage quantity lagged behind changes in water level.
出处 《工程勘察》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期25-30,34,共7页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 海外青年学者合作基金项目(40528003)
关键词 水库 渗流量 IRFA reservoir seepage quantity IRFA
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