
冲击波平面性、稳定性实验用双边多台阶Al靶制备 被引量:3

Fabrication of Two-Sided Multi-step Al Target Used in Shockwave Planarity and Stability Experiment
摘要 多台阶靶是冲击波稳定性、平面性实验的重要实验用靶。本工作采用单点金刚石切削技术,优化工艺过程设计,完成了铝双边多台阶靶的制备。应用Veeco NT1100白光干涉仪对表面轮廓及粗糙度进行了测量。通过SPDT技术制备的具有微细双边结构的多台阶靶可满足实验要求。各台阶表面几何厚度误差小于1%,均方根粗糙度Rq小于50 nm,轮廓最大高度Tir仅在底部台阶处最大,约200 nm,其余台阶处均小于100 nm,台阶垂直度在90°±1°内。 Multi-step target is important to measurement of equation of state(EOS) under high pressure and is the important target used in measurement of stability and planarity of shockwave.The pure aluminum two-sided multi-step target used in EOS experiment was manufactured with rational technical process design by diamond turning technology.The surface quality was characterized by means of Veeco NT1100 device.The results indicate that surface root mean square roughness of aluminum steps target is less than 50 nm and the primary maximum peak to valley height is less than 200 nm.Verticality of step is 90°±1° by optical microscope.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期95-99,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家高新技术项目资助
关键词 双边多台阶靶 金刚石车削 冲击波 稳定性 平面性 two-sided multi-step target diamond turning shockwave stability planarity
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