Abstract A feeding trial that doube low rapeseed meal substituted soybean meal hy high ratio in equal Nitrogen level was carried out for growing-finishing pigs. substituted ratio were 40%, 60%, 80% re-spectively during early period 30~60Kg, and were60%, 80%, 100% respectively during late period 60~90Kg.The gnup with100% soybean was control group.All group added suitable quantity cottenseedmeal, and used different premix.The result showed that, the group that double low rapeseed meal substi-tuted soybean meal for 60% during early period find for 80% during late period was best: growth rate was680g/d, it has no significant difference with control group that growth rate was 688g/d (p>0.05), thefeed efficiency was7. 8% higher than that of control group, the decrease ratio of cost was 14. 3%. Com-paring with the control group, the growth rate of the group that double low rapeseed meal substituted soy-bean meal for 60% during eary period and 80% during late peried was decreased for 10%, hut economicprifit was equl.The test proved that high quantity double low rapeseed meal have no significant influance to the health and meat quanlity of growing swine.
Hubei Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Doble low rapeseed meal Formula feed Growing-finishing swine