从航天育种专用卫星"实践八号"搭载的冬小麦邯6172诱变SP2代群体中筛选出6个矮秆突变株,对各SP3株系株高进行观察。结果表明:矮秆突变性状在SP3能充分表达,6个突变株系株高范围在51.25-61.54 cm,较原始亲本降低了5.43-15.72 cm,降低幅度为8.11%-23.47%。方差分析各矮秆突变系与原始亲本的株高差异,结果显示均达极显著水平。SP3株高性状稳定株系比例较低,只有6172SP矮3株系内株高差异不显著,占观察突变系总数的16.67%,其余突变株系株高仍在分离。在以改良株高为目标的小麦航天诱变后代选育中,SP3代要注重田间性状观察,依不同变异群体性状表现,可分别采取以株系为单位混合收获和以单株收获的选育方法。
Six dwarf wheat mutant lines were derived from SP2 of wheat variety Han 6172 which was boarded on the space breeding satellite Shijian No.8,and the plant height of SP3 was observed.The results showed that the mutated dwarfing trait performed well in SP3.The plant height of six mutant lines was ranged from 51.25 cm to 61.54 cm,which reduced 5.43-15.72 cm,and reduced by 8.11%-23.47% than original parents.There was a very significant difference in plant height between mutant lines and original parents.The proportion of stable mutated dwarf line was low(16.67%),only 6172 SP Ai 3 performed uniform,while the plant height of other mutant lines was segregating.The observation of field characters should be paid attention to.According to the character expression of different mutation groups,the breeding methods of population harvesting and single plant harvesting should be used.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences