我院AB7300型实时荧光定量PCR仪短期内发生3台次故障,通过检测发现都是因为编号为4344490 D1的热盖同一位置的焊锡熔断所致。本文详细介绍如何检测和维修该故障,以供同行参考。并对该问题提出5点探讨。
The AB 7300 Real-time PCR Systems in our hospital have been detected malfunction for three times in a short term. The detection indicated the major reason for the malfunction attributed to the fuse of the solder of the COVER at the same position with the serial number 4344490 DI. This article explicitly introduces how to detect and maintain this equipment. It serves as a good reference for colleagues. Meauhile the author raises five issues for further exploration and discussion.
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation