平禹煤电四矿开采煤层为松软煤层,工作面采用工字钢或U型钢架棚支护已经不能满足要求。根据工作面生产地质条件,建立了锚杆支护的数值模拟模型,煤层采用软化模型,其余为摩尔—库仑模型。通过模拟试验,分析了锚杆直径、锚杆长度和锚杆支护间排距对巷道支护效果的影响。模拟结果表明,选用下列支护形式可以满足要求:锚杆直径为20 mm,顶板、两帮锚杆长分别为2.4,2.6 m,顶板、上帮、下帮锚杆间排距分别为800 mm×800 mm,700 mm×800 mm,600 mm×800 mm。
The coal layers in No.4 Coal Mine of Henan Pingyu Coal and Electricity Co.,Ltd.was soft and I-steel and U-type supporting could not meet the requirements.This paper present the data simulation results of bolt supporting based on the actual geological condition.In this simulation,the coal layers were simulated as soft layer and other parts were mohr-coulomb yield criterion.This simulation analysed the effects of bolt diameter,length and the row spacing to the laneway supporting.The result shows that the undermentioned supporting way can fulfill the demands:bolt diameter as 20 mm;bolt length of roof and latus as 2.4,2.6 m;row spacing of the roof bolt,the top bolt and bottom bolt as 800 mm×800 mm,700 mm×800 mm,600 mm×800 mm separately.The practice approved that the supporting was successful and this plan could be popularized in similar conditions.
Zhongzhou Coal
bolt supporting
data simulation
soft coal layers