目的探讨泪囊内注眼药膏法治疗慢性泪囊炎的疗效。方法对306例(340眼)慢性泪囊炎合并泪道狭窄阻塞患者先用泪道探针将阻塞的泪道探通,然后用环丙沙星、甲硝唑、地塞米松、糜蛋白酶配制的混合液冲洗泪道,最后将四环素可的松眼膏适量注入泪囊内。结果 340眼经1个疗程治疗,无溢泪,298眼治愈占87.6%。结论眼药膏泪囊注入法用于慢性泪囊炎治疗效果显著,可作为非手术疗法在临床推广应用。
Objective To explore the curative effect of dacryocyst interior injection treating chronic dacryocystitis. Methods 306 cases(340 eyes)of chronic dacryocystitis combine with stenosis of lacimal passages,first using lacrimal probeto probe lacrimal passages,then used ciprofloxacin,arilin,decaesadril,avazyme prepared mixed liquor to wash lacrimal passages,last used appropriate amount of tetracycline and cortison acetate eye ointmenti into dacryocyst. Results After one course of treatment,306 cases no epiphora,and 298 eyes were cured,the curative rate was 87. 6%. Conclusion Eye ointment into the lacrimal sac method for treatment of chronic dacryocystitis significant,as non-surgical therapy in clinical application.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use