
猪牛基因组中长散布元件研究 被引量:1

Study on LINEs in Pig and Bovine Genomes
摘要 本研究旨在探索L1(Long Interspersed Nucleotide Element 1)和RTE(Retrotransposable Element)在牛和猪基因组中的分布、起源及传递方式和相互间作用。使用软件Repeat Masker和Censor探测了牛和猪基因组中L1和RTE的含量及在各条染色体上的分布。结果,L1在牛和猪基因组中的平均含量分别为7.89%和10.64%,平均长度分别为529和608 bp;RTE在牛基因组中的平均含量为11.83%,平均长度为433 bp。猪基因组未发现RTE序列。牛和猪基因组中的L1共有序列各自分为6个家族和14个亚族。牛和猪基因组中的L1含量均随着染色体GC含量的升高而降低,牛基因组中的RTE含量也呈此变化趋势。牛基因组中RTE序列不是从祖先物种纵向传递而来,而是通过横向传递来源于其它未知物种。牛和猪的L1内部、牛RTE内部以及牛基因组中L1和RTE之间存在选择性进化现象。 This experiment was conducted to study the distribution,origin,transfer pattern and interaction of L1 and RTE in bovine and pig genomes.Using the software of RepeatMasker and Censor,the content and distribution of L1 and RTE in bovine and pig genomes were detected.The average content and length of L1 are 7.89% and 529 bp in bovine genome,and 10.64% and 608 bp in pig genome.The average content and length of RTE in bovine genome are 11.83% and 433 bp,and the pig genome does not contain RTE sequence.According to the nucleotide divergence,we divided the L1 in bovine and pig genomes into 6 families and 14 subfamilies.The content of L1 in bovine and pig genomes reduced with the increasing of the GC content of every chromosome,same as the content of RTE in bovine genome.The RTE in bovine genome originated from an unknown species by horizontal transfer and did not from the antique mammals vertically.All the content and category data of L1 and RTE indicated the appearance of adaptive evolution in L1,RTE and between L1 and RTE.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期511-517,共7页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划"华北农区高产奶牛良种繁育体系建立与奶业规模化生产技术研究"子专题"建立奶山羊繁育体系"(2006BAD04A10-6)部分内容
关键词 L1 RTE 选择性进化 横向传递 L1 RTE adaptive evolution horizontal transfer
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