
基于颗粒模型的二维矩形模腔粉末微注射成型研究 被引量:4

Micro Powder Injection Molding in Two-dimensional Rectangular Cavity Based on Granular Model
摘要 以颗粒模型理论为基础对粉末微注射成型二维矩形模腔填充过程进行模拟和分析,证明此方法是可行的,发现了粉末微注射成型的流动主要呈现环状波形效应,波形中心颗粒存在较大的挤压接触力,流动前沿的颗粒则较好地保留在界面前沿,未发生大的侧向位移。 The process of micro powder injection molding for 2D rectangle cavity was studied based on granular model. This approach is proved feasible. The waveform effect is presented in flow of micro powder injection molding. There is relatively great contact force in center of the waveform. The frontal granular is held on the interface front and has no large lateral displacement.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期5-9,共5页 Journal of Materials Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体基金资助项目(50721003) 长沙市科技局科技计划资助项目(K0802130-11) 长沙学院科研基金资助项目(CDJJ-09010207)
关键词 粉末微注射成型 颗粒模型 波形效应 micro powder injection molding granular model waveform effect
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