
Southwick角和Klein线在股骨头骺滑脱诊断中的作用 被引量:2

Role of Southwick angle and Klein line in the diagnosis of slipped capital femoral epiphysis
摘要 [目的]探讨Southwick角和Klein线在股骨头骺滑脱诊断中的作用。[方法]回顾性分析1995年8月~2006年4月,本科所收治并获得随访的SCFE病例42例,其中男30例,女12例;平均年龄10.4岁。分析患儿的标准前后位双髋正位和双髋蛙式侧位片。在正位X线片上观察股骨头骺板是否增宽和不规则,测量Southwick角,绘制Klein线。在侧位X线片上测量外侧骺干角,绘制Klein线。[结果]所有患者均出现股骨头骺板增宽和不规则。Southwick角随着滑脱程度加重而减少。正侧位Klein线阳性率均随着严重程度加重而增加,但是正位Klein线在轻中度滑脱组中阳性率不高,侧位Klein线在全部组中阳性率均高。[结论]Southwick角和Klein线在SCFE的诊断中具有重要作用,尤其是要重视髋关节侧位片在诊断中的作用。 [Objective]To evaluate the role of Southwick angle and Klein line in the diagnosis of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). [Methods]Forty-two cases of SCFE were treated by Russell traction and screw or pins fixation in situ from 1995 to 2006. The hip anteroposterior and frog-lateral radiographs were reviewed to measure the occurrence of metaphyseal change,the Southwick angle and the Klein line.[Results]The metaphyseal changes occurred in all cases. The Southwick angles were reduced with the severity of SCFE. The positive ratio of Klein line was higher in the lateral radiographs,but lower in the anteroposterior radiographys.[Conclusion]The Southwick angle and Klein line play an important role in the diagnosis of SCFE. The lateral radiography should be emphasized in the diagnosis of SCFE.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期709-711,共3页 Orthopedic Journal of China
关键词 股骨头骺滑脱 X线诊断 Southwick角 Klein线 slipped capital femoral epiphysis X-ray Southwick angle Klein line
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