
高效液相色谱法测定注射用头孢西酮在健康人血浆和尿中的浓度 被引量:1

Determination of cefazedone for injection in healthy human plasma and urine by HPLC
摘要 目的建立测定注射用头孢西酮(头孢类抗生素)在人血浆和尿中浓度的高效液相色谱法。方法血浆样品经10%三氯醋酸沉淀蛋白,以塞克硝唑为内标,用乙腈-0.02mol·L-1磷酸二氢钠溶液(13∶87)为流动相,尿液直接稀释,经Capcell Pak MGC18柱分离,278nm波长检测。结果头孢西酮血浆样品和尿样线性范围分别为0.4~640.0和2~3200mg·L-1;提取回收率分别为38.9%~41.5%和100.8%~107.4%;日内、日间RSD均低于15%。结论本方法准确性好、操作简单,可满足药代动力学研究的要求。 Objective To established a HPLC method for determination of cefazedone for injection in healthy human serum and urine. Methods Serum protein was precipitated with trichloroacetic acid, using secnidazole as internal standard. The analysis was conducted with a Capcell Pak MG C18 column, acetonitrile -0. 02 mol · L^-1 sodium dihydrogen phosphate ( 13: 87 ) was served as mobile phase, the detecting wavelengh was at 278 nm . Results The linear range cefazedone in plasma and ufine samples were 0. 4 - 640. 0 mg·L^-1 and 2 - 3 200 mg·L^-1 respectively. The absolute recoveries were 38.9% -41.5% in serum and 100. 8% - 107.4% in urine. The RSD of intra - and inter - day were all less than 15% . Conclusion This method is simple,accurate. It is suitable for the pharmacokinetic study of cefazedone.
出处 《中国临床药理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期372-375,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
关键词 头孢西酮 高效液相色谱法 血药浓度 药代动力学 cefazedone HPLC plasma concentration pharmacokinetics
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