
热电技术在汽车上的应用综述 被引量:9

Ntroduction of Applications of Thermoelectric Technology in Automobile
摘要 热电技术利用热电材料可以直接将热能转化为电能进行发电,同时也可以将电能转化为热能进行加热或者制冷,是一种全固态能量转换方式,无需化学反应或流体介质。介绍了热电技术的基本原理,论述了热电装置在汽车尾气余热回收、减少汽车尾气中有害气体排放、新型汽车空调系统等方面的应用情况。简述了热电技术在中国的发展情况。 Thermoelectric technology, which uses thermoelectric materials to convert thermal energy directly into electricity for power generation, also converts electricity into thermal energy for heating or refrigeration, is an all-solid energy conversion mode, it needs no chemical reaction or fluid medium. The basic principle of thermoelectric technology is introduced in the paper, and application of thermoelectric device in auto tail-gas residual heat recovery, reduction of harmful gas emission in tail gas as well as in new auto air conditioning system, are also discussed. The development of thermoelectric technology in China is introduced briefly in the paper.
出处 《汽车技术》 北大核心 2010年第5期1-5,共5页 Automobile Technology
关键词 热电技术 汽车 应用 Thermoelectric technology, Automobile, Application
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