
基于统计数据离散性的混合滑动模型改进 被引量:2

Improvement on hybrid slip model based on dispersion of statistical data
摘要 介绍了用于估计有限断层震源模型的混合滑动模型方法,并针对方法中采用半经验关系式计算模型参数值的过程进行了改进.将模型参数视为正态随机变量,其均值为用半经验关系式算得的模型参数值,其方差为统计半经验关系式过程中得到的标准偏差.由此,对应一给定震级,每一个模型参数均能产生若干不同参数值,可表达统计数据的离散性.着重论述了改进中对某些模型参数的特殊处理方法,并借助一具体实例展示了改进后混合滑动模型方法的应用步骤.算例结果显示,对应一目标震级,改进后的模型可生成若干尺寸和滑动分布各异的有限断层震源模型,为表达未来地震震源的不确定性提供了参考. The hybrid slip model to estimate the finite fault model is introduced first and then it is improved regarding its performance of calculating model parameter by semi-empirical relationship.In the improvement,model parameters are treated as normal random variables.The centre of normal distribution is computed by semi-empirical relationship,and the variance of normal distribution is equal to the standard deviation derived from the statistic of semi-empirical relationship.For a given magnitude,using the improved hybrid slip model could yield many different values for each model parameter,which can better describe the scatter of statistical data about the mean.Special performances for certain model parameters taken in the improvement are discussed,and a case study demonstrates the application procedure of the improved hybrid slip model.Shown in the case study,It is proved that the improved model can generate many finite fault models with different dimensions and slip distributions for one given moment magnitude,which offers references for the source estimation of a future earthquake.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期510-514,520,共6页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50778058 90715038) 国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAC13B02)
关键词 统计数据离散性 混合滑动模型 正态随机变量 dispersion of statistical data hybrid slip model normal random variable
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