
略论贝娄两部作品中受虐狂现象的运行机制及其社会功能——以《勿失良辰》和《更多的人死于心碎》为例 被引量:10

Mechanism of Masochism and Its social Function in Saul Bellow's Works
摘要 贝娄的小说《勿失良辰》中的汤米.威尔姆和《更多的人死于心碎》中的本诺.克雷德两位美国犹太人都存在受虐狂现象。结合文本,回溯犹太民族在欧美的生存和发展历程,可以深刻揭示受虐狂现象的运行机制及其意蕴深远的社会功能。本文主要从三个层面,即历史层面、宗教伦理层面和作家层面,着手分析犹太民族受虐心理及其矫治理念。贝娄认为,新形势下的美国犹太民族只有回归犹太宗教伦理传统,理性思考受虐根源,才能找到解决受虐狂现象的对策,实现民族自我救赎,到达精神上的迦南。 Masochism can be found in two American Jews in Bellow's works,Tommy Wilhlem in Seize the Day and Benn Crader in More Die of Heartbreak. By close textual analysis and considering the development of Jewish nationality in Europe and the USA,we can better explore the mechanism of masochism and its profound social function in three aspects: the reflections on historical level; the reflections on religious and ethic level; and the reflections on the level of writers. Bellow holds that only when the American Jewish nationality under new circumstances returns to Jewish religious and ethic tradition and rationally thinks over the cause of masochism,will they be able to find the way out of masochism,realize self redemption and reach the spiritual Canaan.
作者 张军
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期119-125,共7页 Foreign Literature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"二战后美国犹太文学母题的社会功能研究"(09YJC752016)
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  • 1Bellow, Saul. "A Comment on Form and Despair. " Herzog : Text and Criticism. Ed. Irving Howe. New York: Viking Press, 1976.
  • 2Bellow, Saul.It All Adds Up. London: Secker &Warburg, 1994.
  • 3Bellow, Saul.Seize the Day. New York: Viking Press, 1956.
  • 4Berliner, Bernard. "Role of Object Relations in Moral Masochism. " Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 27 (1958).- 38-56.
  • 5. Blau, Joseph L. Modern Varieties of Judaism. Columbia: Columbia UP, 1966.
  • 6Burgin, Richard. "Issac Bashevis Singer Talks About Everything. " The New York Times Magazine. Nov. 26, 1978.
  • 7Clayton, John J. Saul Bellow: In Defense of Man. London: Indiana UP, 1968.
  • 8Fuch, Daniel. Saul Bellow: Vision and Revision. Durham: North Carolina, 1984.
  • 9Harper, Gordon L. "The Art of Fiction: Saul Bellow. " Conversations with Saul Bellow Eds. Gloria L. Cronin and Ben Siegel. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1994.
  • 10Kuzma, Faye. "The demonic hegemonic: Exploitative Voices in Saul Bellow's More Die of Heartbreak. " Critique : Studies in Contemporary Fiction.39 (1998).











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