
体育学习中成就目标定向与多维学习动机的关系研究 被引量:16

Relationships between Achievement Goal Orientations and Multidimensional Learning Motivation in Physical Education
摘要 目的:探究初中生体育学习成就目标定向与多维学习动机的关系。方法:采用《运动中的任务和目标定向量表》和《体育情境动机量表》对使用分层随机抽样方法选取的240名初中生进行测量。结果:(1)任务定向与高自我决定的体育学习动机显著相关,而自我定向与低自我决定的体育学习动机显著相关;(2)初中生体育学习中存在3类复合目标定向类型:高任务/高自我型、中任务/中自我型和高任务/低自我型;(3)3类复合目标定向型学生在多维体育学习动机方面有显著差异;高任务结合适宜自我目标定向与高自我决定体育学习动机水平显著相关。结论:初中生体育学习高任务目标定向单独或结合适宜自我目标定向与高自我决定学习动机显著相关。 Objective:To examine the relationships between achievement goal orientations and multidimensional learning motivation in PE.Methods:Mid-dle school students responded to questionnaires assessing their dispositional goal orientation(TEOSQ)and situational motivation(SIMS)in PE.Results: Task orientation was positively associated with higher self-determined motivation.Ego orientation was related to lower self-determined motivation.Using cluster analysis techniques to examine goal profiles,a three-cluster solution emerged:high task and high ego(HT/HE),moderate task and moderate ego(MT/ME)and high task and low ego(HT/LE.) A significant MANOVA revealed that groups with high task orientation reported more self-determined re-sponses than groups with low task orientation.Conclusions:A high level of task orientation singularly or in combination with ego orientation fosters self-de-termined situational motivation in the context of PE.
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期214-217,共4页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 扬州大学人文社会科学青年专项基金(项目编号:5209)
关键词 初中生 体育课 成就目标定向 多维学习动机 聚类分析 middle school student physical education achievement goal orientations multidimensional situational motivation clustering analysis
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