
石油重镇基尔库克归属问题及其影响 被引量:2

The Disputation over Iraqi Oil City Kirkuk and Its Implication
摘要 石油重镇基尔库克对伊拉克政府和库尔德民族主义的关系产生重要影响。后复兴党时期,库尔德武装成功控制了基尔库克,并将其作为实现库尔德人长期利益和短期收益的重要工具。基尔库克的重要性已使该市的归属问题成为影响土耳其—伊拉克关系和伊拉克联邦制发展的重要因素。 The city of Kirkuk has been playing an important role in Iraqi politics for its oil and strategic significance, and since 2003,it has been controlled by Iraqi Kurdish nationalist movement.In the long run the Kurdish would not quit hold of this city for the sake of their political,economic and military interests. By all means, Kirkuk has become one of the key factors which would influence Turkey-Iraq relationship and the development of Iraqi Federation in the future.
作者 敏敬
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 2010年第3期45-50,共6页 Arab World Studies
基金 2008年教育部人文社科研究青年基金项目(08JC770010)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 伊拉克 基尔库克 库尔德 土耳其 联邦制 Iraq Kirkuk Kurds Turkey Federation
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