
基于DAC概念的改进型聚光电热联用系统 被引量:5

摘要 基于DAC技术对传统的聚光电热联用系统(CPV/T)进行优化设计,采用水为吸热工质与常规硅太阳电池相结合对太阳能辐射进行分波段利用,分别完成光热转换和光电转换。对该改进CPV/T系统建立了辐射传递模型和能量平衡模型:首先,对太阳能辐射在系统中的传递过程进行了分析;而后对系统的光热单元和光电单元工作温度进行了计算。计算结果显示该系统光热单元温度不再受光电单元工作温度限制,随着聚光比的增加该系统光热单元可产出高温热能,其吸热工质出口温度可达到108℃,而相应的光电单元工作温度低于69℃,同时通过试验对系统光电性能进行了对比分析;最后对该CPV/T系统效率进行分析,得到其光热转换效率为32%,光电转换效率保持在8.6%~10.5%之间。 An optimized concentrating Photovoltaic/thermal(PV/T)system was presented based on DAC concept in the paper.In the system,water(as working fluid)and silicon solar cell separately utilizes solar radiation at different wave-length to achieve solar thermal conversion and Photoelectric conversion.Based on the radiation transfer model and energy balance model,the solar radiation transfer in the CPV/T system was firstly studied,and then the temperatures of the thermal unit and PV module were calculated,respectively.The result indicated that the thermal unit has no temperature limitation from the PV module.As the concentration radio increases,the thermal unit can produce high grade heat and the outflow temperature of the working fluid can reach 108℃,whereas the temperature of solar cell is lower than 69℃.Additionally,the electrical efficiency was compared with the experimental reslut.Finally,the performance of the CPV/T system was analysed.The thermal efficiency of the system was stable and about 32%.The electrical efficiency of the system was around 8.6%-10.5%.
出处 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期178-184,共7页 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(50676082)
关键词 聚光电热联用 DAC技术 聚光比 辐射传递模型 能量平衡模型 concentring photovoltaic/thermal(CPV/T) DAC concept concentration ratio radiationtransfer model energy balance model
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