China's natural gas market has been expanding continuously.In 2008,China's natural gas sumption reached 807×10^8m3,up 10.1% from the previous year.In 2020,China's natural gas demand is coI1- ex- pected to rise to 2500×10^8m3 and the country's natural gas shortage is expected to hit 1000×10^8m3.Compared with international natural gas prices,China's domestic natural gas prices are still too low.Coal-derived natural gas can be used as a substitute for liquefied petroleum gas and conventional natural gas to ease natural gas supply shortfall.The competitiveness of coal-derived natural gas lies in the use of low-price,low-quality coal and technologies needed are coal gasification and methane production techniques.High-water,high-ash and low-calorific value lignite is relatively more suitable for gasification in pressurized fixed beds or fluidized beds.Lurgi's coal gasification technology is the best option for coal gasification projects.Other technologies available include fluidized bed gasification furnace technology and BGL lump/fine coal slag gasification tech- nology.The Lurgi methanation technology is the world's first commercialized coal gasification technology.Other similar technologies include Topsoe's Recycle Methanation Process and Davy's methanation technology.Take a 10×10^8m3 coal gasification project for an example.Its rate of returns on investment would be 16.16% (on av- erage),internal rate of returns on total investment would be 16.21% (after income tax) and investment would be recovered in 7.72 years.Such a project would be economically viable.Some local governments and enter- prises are not fully aware of the risks involved in coal gasification projects.Prior to launching a coal gasifi-' cation project ,the investor should first evaluate the energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emission level of the project.It would not be objective to overemphasize and exaggerate the high energy efficiency of a coal gasifi- cation project itself.It must be noted that the prices of feedstock coal and finished products are the most significant determinants for developing a coal gasification project.In addition,such project has relatively low product mix consistency and is subject to limitations associated with the construction and regulation of natural gas pipeline
Sino-Global Energy
natural gas demand
coal-derived natural gas
low-quality coal
coal gasification technology
methanation technology
economic viability
energy efficiency