

E-Lottery Scheme Without a Trusted Third Party Based on Bit Commitment
摘要 基于比特承诺,给出了一种无需可信第三方的电子彩票方案。该方案不要求购买者在线,不对购买者的计算能力做出苛刻限制,不要求可信第三方参与。该方案具有不可伪造性,公平性,公开验证性等特点。该方案还与传统彩票有良好的兼容性。 Based on bit commitment, this paper designs an e-lottery scheme which does not involve a trusted third party. This scheme does not assume all the purchasers are online. It overcomes the limitation of the purchasers' computing power and does not need to involve a trusted third party. There are many security properties in this scheme, such as unforgeability, impartiality, publicly verification and so on. This scheme also maintains compatibility with the traditional lottery.
作者 翟耀 赵一鸣
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2010年第6期135-139,共5页 Computer Systems & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(60573054)
关键词 比特承诺 数字签名 电子彩票 bit commitment digital signature E-Lottery
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