PAMPAGIS是一个基于WindowsTM 环境 ,具有同时支持矢量和栅格数据格式的地理信息系统软件。它由MAPPER、ANALYZER、TOPOGRAPHER、MODELLER等十大模块组成 ,提供了全面的GIS功能。其友好的界面、开放性操作以及全面的分析和建模能力使其成为微机平台上较为优秀的辅助决策工具。相信PAMAPGIS将在贵州省自然资源、环境和土地管理中发挥更为重要的作用。
WT5”BZ]PAMAP GIS integrates both raster and vector technologies in a WindowsTM environment. It encompasses the ten common data model and architectures such as MAPPER, ANALYZER, TOPOGRAPHER, MODELLER etc., and provides a modular approach to full GIS functionality. The characteristics of comprehensive analysis and modeling, opening operation and user-friendly make it becoming the more powerful GIS decision-making tool available on a PC platform. It is expected that PAMAP GIS will more and more play important role in natural resources, environment and land management of Guizhou province.
Guizhou Geology