用海藻酸钠(Sodium Alginate,SA)将四酰胺基大环铁配合物(FeⅢ-TAML)固定在热解石墨电极表面,制成FeⅢ-TAML/SA膜修饰电极。交流阻抗结果显示FeⅢ-TAML可以很好的固定在SA膜中。包埋在SA膜中的FeⅢ-TAML在磷酸盐缓冲溶液(PBS)和乙醇混合溶液中与电极直接传递电子,得到一对基于Fe(Ⅲ)/Fe(Ⅱ)电对的氧化还原峰,其峰为-0.085V和0.001V(V vs SCE)。研究了扫速及电解质pH值对FeⅢ-TAML的影响,其电化学反应是受表面控制的电极过程,其电势随着PBSpH值的增加而负移且成线性关系,直线斜率为-49.86mV·pH–1,说明FeⅢ-TAML的电子传递过程中伴有质子转移。
Tetraamido macrocyclic ligands iron complex (FeⅢ-TAML) was immobilized on pyrolytic graphite (PG) electrode by sodium alginate (SA) film. The EIS results indicated that FeⅢ-TAML could be assembled onto the SA composite film strongly. The immobilized FeⅢ-TAML entrapped in the SA in aqueous-ethanol solvents mixtures underwent direct electron-transfer reactions with a pair of well-defined and quasi-reversible redox peaks about - 0. 085 V and 0. 001 V (V vs SCE) . The effect of scan rates and pH is studied. The results show that the electrochemical response suggested a surface-controlled electrode process; the formal potential (Eo') shiftes linearly dependent on solution pH with the slope value of - 49. 9 (mV·pH -1) ,which shows that the direct electron transfer is proton-coupled.
Science Technology and Engineering