
Latest Advances in Climate Change Detection Techniques

Latest Advances in Climate Change Detection Techniques
摘要 In recent years,the global warming and its influences on people and social economy have received increasing attention from international communities.Determining the current trend of global temperature variation has become one of the critical issues in climate change research.Obviously,it is rather important to develop new climate change detection technology in order to identify new characteristics of the global warming.This review introduces the latest advances and past achievements on the climate change detection technology in China with emphases on new detection methods in the following five aspects:(1) abrupt climate change detection,(2) signal separation and extraction from observed data,(3) intrinsic complexity of the climate system,(4) recognition of the dynamical characteristics of the climate system,and(5) definitions and detection of extreme events.At last,some cruxes and key problems in the current climate change detection technology research are briefly discussed. In recent years,the global warming and its influences on people and social economy have received increasing attention from international communities.Determining the current trend of global temperature variation has become one of the critical issues in climate change research.Obviously,it is rather important to develop new climate change detection technology in order to identify new characteristics of the global warming.This review introduces the latest advances and past achievements on the climate change detection technology in China with emphases on new detection methods in the following five aspects:(1) abrupt climate change detection,(2) signal separation and extraction from observed data,(3) intrinsic complexity of the climate system,(4) recognition of the dynamical characteristics of the climate system,and(5) definitions and detection of extreme events.At last,some cruxes and key problems in the current climate change detection technology research are briefly discussed.
出处 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2010年第1期1-16,共16页
基金 Supported by the National Science and Technology Support Program of China under Grant Nos.2007BAC03B01 Supported by the National Science and Technology Support Program of China under Grant Nos.2007BAC29A01 the Meteorological Special Project of China under Grant No.GYHY200906014-04
关键词 abrupt climate change extreme climate events detection method dynamical structure characteristic abrupt climate change extreme climate events detection method dynamical structure characteristic
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