
空间受限平台跳频通信系统的频率分配 被引量:3

Frequency assignment of FH communications in space-limited platform
摘要 针对空间受限平台多部跳频电台相互间严重的同址干扰,研究同址干扰约束下跳频通信系统的频率分配问题。从子网内、子网间和同步信号的特殊约束三个层次分析跳频通信系统频率分配的约束条件,依据各种同址干扰源产生的概率分别设置各约束的权系数并建立代价函数,基于模拟退火算法系统提出同址干扰约束下跳频通信系统的频率分配方法。仿真结果表明,该方法可以明显降低跳频同步信号被干扰的概率,提高系统的电磁兼容性能,有效解决空间受限平台跳频通信系统的频率分配问题。 Frequency hopping(FH) radios operating in close proximity to each other will generate severe cosite interference,so it is necessary to study the frequency assignment in FH networks with cosite constraints.The constraints including constraints within subnets,constraints between subnets and special constraints of synchronous signals are analyzed.Different weights are adopted based on the significance of the constraints,and the cost function is set up.Based on the simulated annealing algorithm,the method of frequency assignment in the FH networks with cosite constraints is proposed.The computing results indicate the novel method can insure the establishment of the synchronization and improve the electro-magnetic compatibility,so the method can solve settle frequency assignment problem effectively in frequency hopping(FH) networks with cosite constraints.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期904-907,共4页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60802053) 中国博士后科学基金(20070421136)资助课题
关键词 频率分配 跳频通信 同址干扰 同步信号 空间受限平台 frequency assignment frequency hopping(FH) communications cosite interference synchronous signal space-limited platform
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