目的以透明牙技术为参照,探讨牙科数字成像系统(radiovisiography,RVG)和显微CT(micro-computed tomography,MCT)扫描两种检查技术在研究离体磨牙根管系统解剖结构中的作用,为磨牙根管治疗提供影像学依据。方法253颗离体磨牙分别摄颊舌向、近远中向RVG和行MCT扫描,再制作根管染色透明牙,应用RVG、MCT和透明牙对各牙根中上2/3、根尖1/3区根管系统结构和管间交通支进行分类统计,以评估RVG、MCT技术在根管结构诊断中的应用价值。结果透明牙、MCT两组显示牙根中上2/3区根管系统均显著优于RVG(P<0.05);MCT与透明牙对磨牙中上2/3区根管系统的显示差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。MCT、透明牙、RVG对磨牙根尖1/3区根管系统的显示差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),根管显示率透明牙为100%,MCT为89.84%,RVG为77.97%。结论MCT与透明牙在显示牙根中上2/3区根管系统方面基本等效;在根尖1/3区透明牙对变异细小分歧根管的显示优于MCT及RVG技术,MCT技术在根尖1/3区细小分歧的显示明显优于RVG。
Objective To investigate the use of radiovisiography (RVG) as a diagnostic tool for identifying molar root canal systems when compared with images obtained by using micro-computed tomography (MCT) and cleared teeth root canal dyeing in vitro.Methods Two hundred and fifty-three extracted molars were exposed with RVG and MCT respectively,then cleared teeth root canal dyeing were made.The coronal 2/3 and apical 1/3 area of root canal were observed with RVG,MCT and cleared teeth,respectively.The diagnostic values of RVG and MCT were evaluated.Results More details of coronal 2/3 area were shown by cleared teeth MCT,compared with RVG (P0.05),while no difference was found between those by MCT and cleared teeth (P0.05).MCT,Cleared teeth,RVG show a statistically significant in apical 1/3 area (P0.05),the rate shown by cleared teeth root was 100%,while MCT was 89.84% and RVG was 77.97%.Conclusion MCT and cleared teeth are basically equivalent in accessing the coronal 2/3 area of root canal system,but in apical 1/3 area,cleared teeth is better than MCT RVG,while MCT is significantly better than RVG.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment